Daily Archives: 23 January, 2013

Hime Gyaru & Sweet Lolita without Pink!

Hime Gyaru and Sweet lolita both seem to have the same obsession with the colour pink, Hime Gyaru in particular. I absolutely love Pink, but I also love Blue and Yellow and the rest of the rainbow. When everyone is wearing the same colour it can start to get a bit monotone and boring. I really love when I see both styles done in different colours, I find it makes it stand out much more. Here I have found some images on the internet that are good examples of expanding your colour palette.


A Sweet Lolita looking lovely in Blue ❤ The pastel tone remains true to the style whilst creating a more calm, serene effect.


This outfit still features pink, but the majority of it is yellow. I think it looks much softer and compliments the pink perfectly.

Now for the Hime Gyaru looks, I found it much more difficult to find ones lacking Pink since it’s so saturated into the style, but I think the effect is much more mature and elegant.


A very classic looking Hime Gyaru, her look is very elegant and the lack of pink makes it look much more mature and grown up.


Himena Osaki in a lovely Blue dress from La Pafait. Once again, blue creates a more calm effect.

Snow! <3


Fresh snow is one of the most beautiful sights to open your window to on a winter morning, it is one of the few things I like about January. However, the moment it starts to compact I quickly start wishing for it to melt away. Anyone who knows me will tell you I cannot walk on ice, at all. I do a Bambi. The idea of having to walk down a slight hill fills me with dread. I wish it would just snow but not form any ice ^-^

Aside from the slipperiness, there is also the issue of dressing for the weather. The cold and damp limits what you can wear, making choosing co-ords very tricky.


Something like this is so adorable ❤ But it’d be too worried about wearing it and messing it up in snow. Also I highly doubt that this would keep you warm enough to brave the winter 😛 I would still really love this cape/poncho/coat thing though, the bunny ears are so kawaii :3 I’d just save it for spring and autumn time ❤

*~*How do you dress for Winter weather? Dare you go out in gyaru/lolita? Or does snow call for a practical clothing day?*~*